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District of Columbia

public health association 

(2020 – 2025)

Strategic Priority: Impact Local Public Policy

Goal 1: Enhance the organization’s infrastructure to better support advocacy work.

Goal 2: Establish a presence with advocacy organizations that influence health policy in the District of Columbia.

Goal 3: Engage policymakers in the District.

Goal 4: Integrate public policy efforts into communications and marketing plan execution.

Strategic Priority: Leadership and Workforce Development 

Goal 1: Leadership Training for Public Health Professionals. 

Goal 2: Leadership Training for Public Health Scholars.

Strategic Priority: Develop Sustainable Community Programming 

Goal 1: Develop and participate in targeted events that will serve, educate, and bring awareness to the District of Columbia community.

Goal 2: Host annual one day DCPHA conference in collaboration with other partners. 

Strategic Priority: Develop Internal Organizational Systems

Goal 1:  Become an organization compliant with the local and federal government as Goal 2: DCPHA will develop efficient processes.

Goal 2: Develop efficient processes.

Who We Are

DCPHA is dedicated to betterment of health in Washington, DC. This organization is comprised of public health practitioners throughout the region who are passionate about improving public health. 

Copyright © 2021 DCPHA. All rights reserved.

Contact Us

2 Massachusetts Ave NE
Suite 1885
Washington, DC 20013


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